Maranatha Writers Contest 1st place devo

Thirsty Soul

I debated with myself that morning whether or not to exercise. A multitude of other to-dos remained on my agenda. Instead, I donned tennis shoes and headed in the direction of a small creek nearby.

Almost immediately, my ankle began to ache due to a recent injury. “Shall I turn around or keep going? If I could just reach my favorite spot and linger over the bridge,” I prayed. The calming water always reminded me of the words in Psalms 42:1, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?”

Convincing myself to go a bit further, I rounded the corner and saw them. They saw me. We all froze in our tracks. About 150 feet away stood two deer pausing to quench their thirst.

An affirmation and reward appeared that morning in the form of God’s majestic creatures–almost as if God was saying, “I’m glad you took the time to seek me out.”


Do I pant for you, Lord, like a deer pants for water? Or, am I usually in such a hurry to get going on the next thing on my list? Do I say I believe in You, yet go about my business as if I am the one in charge?


Dear God, I desperately need your sustaining power and mercy. I know the only way to acquire this is when I schedule time away with you every day. Now I realize my day is not complete until I meet with You. Oh, that my soul might thirst after you! Amen.

 Copyright Teresa Lasher 2009©

2 replies
  1. Pam
    Pam says:

    For me, this comes at just the right time. I needed to remember. I think God has been trying to tell me this for some time now. The other reminder I got just today was in the teacher’s meeting when one teacher said how so much of our youth programs get kids up & moving with loudness and never teach them to “be still and listen”. We all need to be still and listen.

    • Teresa Lasher
      Teresa Lasher says:

      Reminds me of the passage in Ecc. about a time for everything…there’s a time for laughter and exercise AND a time for quiet and Being Still before God. Just like all else…a balance—finding that balance is tough for me and different for each of us (young and old alike). Last fall proved a wake-up call for me to REALLY seek that quiet time. When I do, the day goes so much better!


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