Life as the Mom of an ADHD kid, Part One
Take a minute to check out my guest blog posted on my friend’s, Jolene Philo, website. She is the author of a new book just recently published, “A Different Dream for My Child—Meditations for parents of critically or chronically ill children.” This much-need book “addresses the spiritual needs of these parents as the author shares her own life lessons, as well as those of other parents who have walked this road…you do not have to lose hope.”
Jolene and I met at the Cedar Falls Writers Conference in Cedar Falls, Iowa and instantly bonded. We discovered one common denominator: we were both mothers of prodigal sons. She asked me to be a guest blogger for a couple of days. Today’s entry is entitled, “Life as the Mom of an ADHD kid, Part One.” I share a few lessons I learned along the way…sometimes the hard way!
Read more of my introductory story at:
Won’t you join me and tune in tomorrow for Part Two?
You can also view my post on Jolene’s personal blog page at:
I’d love to hear feedback from you,
Teresa 🙂