Crazy 3-year old sayings
Yesterday, while my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter helped prepare lunch, she observed a gadget I used. Her first words were, “What’s this, Nana? This is insane!”
Frankly, I had never pictured a can opener as “insane,” but apparently through the eyes of a 3 ½ year old, a manually operated can opener was indeed “insane!” I couldn’t help but laugh as her choice of words.
Early yesterday morning, while I sat reading and writing in my journal, she sat beside me drawing. I asked her a question, and she replied, “Don’t ask me a question, you know, I have to concetrate!”
Out of the mouths of babes!
I’ll bet both of those things she has heard her dad say. 🙂
They are just like minature sponges. I have noticed whatever big sister Liberty does, little brother Elijah is not long to follow!
Her daddy admitted: he does repeat the phrase “that’s insane!”