
I’m thoroughly enjoying a book,  One Thousand Gifts-A dare to live fully right where you are,” my friend Kathy gave me. Ann Voskamp, the author, encourages the reader to be thankful. She claims the “real problem of life is never a lack of time. The real problem of life—in my life—is lack of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving creates abundance; and the miracle of multiplying happens when I give thanks—and He miraculously makes it more than enough.”

The author suggests creating a list of naming God-gifts. This list helps me reflect on the tiniest of good gifts God bestows. When I focus on daily good gifts, it steers me away from dwelling on what I do not have and causes me to be more thankful for what I do have.

I’m up to number 30 today:  

30)  Good night’s sleep rocked by gentle waves

31)  Leisurely morning wake-up

32)  Breakfast eaten out doors

33)  Full sun warms my brow and head

34)  First sail of the spring season, crisp winds—oh, so good to be out in God’s creation!


“SOLD” sign


How do I spell relief? Seeing a “Sold” sign in front of my mother-in-law’s house where she has lived for over 40 years. It’s a type of bittersweet feeling. On one hand, she’s leaving the known, the comfortable. And on the other hand, she will be traveling to an unknown location with anticipation of a brand-new chapter in her life.

Gwen says she feels “very confident about the move and apprehensive too…a whole new life ahead.”  The journey has been overwhelming to go through, but she knows this is where God wants her to be at this point in her life.

Prayers have gone up for the sale of the house and finding another home to live. God is faithful and provided both. Thank you for your prayers and thank God for answers to our prayers. Let the adventures begin!


No weeds…yet

As I look at the tiny shoots from upcoming lettuce and spinach seeds, I rejoice. The light green tips appear tiny and innocent, soft and succulent. No weeds around them—only pure, virgin soil. Yet, it won’t be long and insistent weeds will pop up disguising themselves as good. 

How often does this happen in my own life? What seems harmless at first, a word here, a gesture there, and before I know it I’m in deeper than I’d ever thought possible. I never meant to hurt anyone with a harsh or suggestive word, yet it happened. Once an action is committed, I’m not able to take it back.

Prayer: Help me to be more sensitive to other people’s feelings. I need to listen more and speak less. God, remind me to take time to pause and think through the ramifications of my actions.

Ask:  Are there some words spoken you wish you hadn’t said or even thought? Maybe you participated in an action you weren’t proud of. Can you ask forgiveness and start fresh again today?


Tending to the gardens in my life

Tending to the garden.  It takes time and energy.  A few years ago I didn’t even plant a garden.  My excuse was that I live in a condo and there’s no room. But that’s all it was: an excuse.  Since then, I purchased a few large pots to set on the deck and two planters that fit snugly on top of my deck rail.  It works beautifully!  Just enough soil for veggies and herbs to suit our family.  There’s nothing quite like gathering a handful of fresh lettuce for a summer salad.

I am learning that it still takes time to produce a good crop.  Just like it takes time and energy to produce a healthy heart and mind.  Weeds come in the garden of life and unless I get after them, they multiply and take over spaces where they don’t belong. 

Prayer: Dear God, please forgive me for not tending to the garden of my heart. It’s so easy to see flaws in my neighbor and overlook neglect in my own mind and make excuses for ungodly actions.   

Ask: Is there some weed in the garden of your heart? Maybe it’s a seed of bitterness or jealousy over what someone else has and you do not.  What can you do today to reduce or eliminate that pesky weed? 

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).


It could have been worse

It could have been worse. The injury was serious, but it could have been worse. When my daughter tumbled off her dirt bike and broke her collarbone, she could have landed on a hard surface. She could have tangled with a large vehicle going at greater speed.

We are thankful she lives another day to enjoy a new sunrise and sunset. Another day to:

  • Realize family members do care and love her for who she is
  • Reflect on life, faith, and relationships
  • Capture the moments using her photography talents

Thank you, God, for allowing more time with our precious daughter, Amanda.


Grill bird


It started out to be an ordinary cookout. I pressed the hamburgers into patties and my husband stepped out on our deck to light the grill. However, what he discovered under the grill hood turned out to be anything but ordinary! 

I heard a loud, “What in the world is this?” I came running to see what all the clatter was about and stood back astounded at what I saw. The entire surface area of our grill was covered with bits of straw, grass, leaves and whatever very diligent birds could find to encompass one small bluish egg. And we had just used the grill a week ago! Upon further discovery, there is a larger opening at the back of the grill which proved an open invite to feathered friends. This opening appeared to be an invitation for expansion of a bird’s nesting region.

It took Steve considerable effort and time to clean out the area before those burgers could get near the flames! Later we watched as a pair of blackbirds frantically dive bombed our deck looking for their egg. Steve perched a small portion of the nest and egg in a flower basket hanging near the grill, I’m not sure if they’ll find it or be happy with their new home.

Does anyone know for sure? Is this the egg from a blackbird?


God gifts

Gifts from God today:

  • Chicken Divan recipe turns out yummy
  • Walk and talk with my beloved daughter, Amanda
  • A cherished book gift in the mailbox from my friend, Kathy + special hand-written note
  • Washer and dryer on main floor – close by, so I can multi-task at the same time
  • A few quiet minutes to reflect on the above blessings!


Trilliums and Lily of the Valley

As I walk this morning, I’m reminded of the changing seasons. I spy six happy trilliums in a patch nestled among numerous lily of the valley flowers. It’s almost as if they lift their white heads to say, “Look at me! I’m alive after a LONG winter’s rest.”

Seeing their determination to stand up and be noticed, I feel I can bolster my willpower to conquer this day in God’s inexhaustible strength. 

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).


Mother’s Day Muse

What causes a Mother’s heart to rejoice? 

     *  A phone call from your beloved children wishing you a “Happy Mother’s Day”

     *  Sitting  next to a dear friend and Mom in church on Mother’s Day

     *  Sing “How Great Thou Art” with choir and orchestra

     *  Receive hugs and a “Happy Mother’s Day” greeting from other Moms

     *  Host a meal for my mother-in-law, then visit a condo open house together

     *  Catch up with stop-by friends from the past

     *  Leisurely motorcycle ride to the lake 


We love you, Mom!

This song entitled, “Draw Me Close to You,” is for all of you who have no Mom to celebrate with on Mother’s Day. I feel your pain. My Mom, and best friend, was promoted to heaven 21 years ago this July. The pain has lessened, but every holiday still hurts. Especially on Mother’s Day. Take comfort in a God who longs to draw you close to him.

The words are a good reminder that God is all I’ve ever needed…all I want and begs the Maker of the Universe to help me know he is near. “Draw me close to you and never let me go…you are my desire and no one else will do. ‘Cause nothing else could take your place—to feel the warmth of your embrace. Help me find the way, bring me back to you.”

It softens the blow to know you are in heaven, Mom, with your precious Savior. I draw comfort in the fact that someday we will be reunited. But we still miss you a lot…especially today!

We love you Mom and always will,

Teresa, Karen, and Lonnie