Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! You might be saying to yourself — what’s up with her? Yesterday was the start of the New Year, so why is she wishing us a Happy New Year on January 2. That’s a valid question. And here’s my answer: I’ve been down and mostly horizontal since Friday afternoon. Sore throat, runny nose, cough, and all-over achiness invaded my body four days ago.  

While I slept away a good part of Saturday, Baby Jesus, Mother Mary, Joseph, three wise guys and entourage left our outdoor nativity scene and found their way to our attic above the garage. Along with them came Christmas lights on our tall pine tree, momma bear and two baby bears, lighted tree on our deck and all the exterior Christmas lights. My husband decided since the weather was sunny and 40 degrees that this was the time for all to go into hibernation. (I did manage to rally around long enough to help boost them up the attic steps; then promptly hit the sofa afterwards.)  Now Michigan is blanketed with whiteness and several inches of our first snowfall.

While I was sleeping, I missed the Times Square ball drop, the first church service of the New Year, the Lions lose, and all those after- Christmas bargains. The last time I stepped foot outdoors was on Thursday morning when my granddaughter from Minnesota and I went on a secret mission to Meijer’s for donuts. They’ve since stopped in Illinois and are now back home in Minnesota.

I’m really trying to be optimistic about the New Year and hoping the first few days are not an indication as to what’s in store for 2012. I don’t understand why my body isn’t working as I feel it should be, but this I do know: God operates on a completely different schedule than I do. Apparently, he felt I needed the rest.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” – Isaiah 55:8-9


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