How satisfied are you?

“The first hour of waking is the rudder that guides the whole day,” Henry W. Beecher.     Swiftsure - Clipper Cup (Copy)

How do you roll in the morning? My morning usually rolls rather slowly. It takes me a bit to get my bearings and move toward a worthwhile goal. Have you heard the saying, I’d like mornings better if they came earlier in the day? That’s me!

I know this for sure: when I look upward first thing in the morning (even before my feet hit the floor), my day goes so much better. Sometimes it’s only a quick SOS prayer—Lord, help me throughout this day. Prevent my mouth from saying unkind words. Help me see others through Your eyes. Casting my eyes on Scripture or reading through a devotional helps me center my thoughts and mind in pleasant, righteous places. Just may mean the difference between a great day and a horrible-bad one.

  • What can you do to center your mind on good and right thoughts?
  • Record how your day went thinking about the time you spent on bullet point #1.

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

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