Water Therapy

beach at Wrightsville Beach Atlantic

Atlantic Ocean – Wrightsville Beach

Ocean waves thunder & roll
Crashing unrepentant against the shore
Greenish-blue water with froth on top
Wind blasts sand on my skin
Children chase seagulls
Birds hover overhead
Carried along with the breeze
People play … enjoying life
Others rest after a hectic week
Some immersed in their favorite read
Carefree feeling
Place to unwind
Absorb sun’s rays
To just be!

I stoop low
Spying a smooth peculiar shell
Purple hued edges
Catch my eye
I gather grains of polished sand
As they trickle past my fingertips

May the wind smooth and polish
My rough and jagged edges
May I be beautiful and useful
In Your sight
For Your glory!

8 replies
    • teresaklasher
      teresaklasher says:

      Thank you, Vicki. Good therapy to write the poem too and to be in that environment. Blessings to you & your family, Teresa

    • teresaklasher
      teresaklasher says:

      You are so right, Myrna. By the water, I am at peace no matter what else is happening in my life or around me. Near the water seems to remind me of God’s beauty as He created such beautiful handiwork for us to enjoy. IF we pause, listen, and wait. Blessings to you & your family, Teresa


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