Two Sleeps Before Christmas

I’m flooded with thankfulness from family, friends, and neighbors who volunteered their time and energy sacrificing to go out in this blizzard. Volunteer of whatever we needed whether food or supplies. Specialty potato puff appetizers arrived from my brother and his wife from out west. Steve’s friend-brass music group founder gifted us with an amazing goodie box. Our hearts rejoice with these thoughtful actions! Thank you!!!
Many are praying for health and healing for which we’re most grateful. You truly are the hands and feet of Jesus.
I’m seeing progress in Steve. He left the recliner for a bit yesterday and did a few minor tasks. Yay! Baby steps, little steps we are celebrating.
Here I go out to brave the blustery, blizzardy cold world out there. Skipper is calling for me to take a walk. To the mailbox and back again—that is my limit for now. Will take me longer to suit up than to accomplish the walk.
Hunker down, stay warm, and safe. CHRISTmas blessings to you & to yours 😊
“You might be thinking you don’t have the power within you to accomplish great and mighty tasks. Think again. Then fill in the blank below.” [From my book, “The Child becomes The Parent: Coping with Grief.”]
I can accomplish ____________________.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me.” – Philippians 4:13
How are you coping in this weather? Doing anything different/special this Christmas season? Love to hear from you.
I can accomplish ___________________________.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me.” – Philippians 4:13
***How are you coping in this weather? Doing anything different/special this Christmas season? Love to hear from you.***
Post by Teresa K. Lasher, author of:
“The Child becomes The Parent: Coping with Grief” and
“Life is: Good, Fragile, and Precious–Loving yourself so you can love others”