Day #3-Words of Wisdom from Billy
When Jerry Jenkins interviewed Billy Graham, he asked how he maintained his own spiritual discipline. Mr. Graham replied that God was no secret and that He doesn’t hide. Mr. Graham searches the scriptures and prays without ceasing.
Amazed at Mr. Graham’s response, Jerry then asked,
“You pray without ceasing?”
“Yes, I do. I have prayed every waking moment since I received Christ as Savior.”
Jerry was interested in what form searching scripture takes for him. Mr. Graham replied that wherever he is, he opens his Bible and leaves it open all day where he can see it. Frequently during the day, he stops to read a verse, chapter, for a few minutes, an hour.
What makes BG different: he searches the scriptures and prays without ceasing. Yet, he says he feels this low (places his hand flat on the floor) when he thinks of the number of times he’s failed the Lord.
James Snyder, “Self-Education of the Christian Writer –
All work must flow out of our worship. All else is nothing but wood, hay, and stubble.
Still learning and listening to wisdom from the Maranatha Writers’ Conference!