Tag Archive for: lioness

Review of “Lioness Arising – Wake Up and Change Your World”

I was eager to discover the meaning behind the word “Lioness” and how it fit in with females in today’s world. Ms. Bevere’s walks the reader through the concept of a woman’s awesome strength and beauty, and how God purposely places women in key roles in history, the family, and in community.

In the first chapter, Ms. Bevere tells of her dream about a lioness. During this dream, she hears an audible voice, “with the birth of this son, you will awaken a lioness.” I have to admit the dream threw me off a bit. Ms. Bevere’s desire is for each of us to realize our unrealized possibilities. She longs to “awaken something wild, wise, and wonderful in you.” She uses challenging questions to spurn women on to greater heights in order to reach their fullest potential.

Ms. Bevere ended strong with her last two chapters, “Walking with a lion,” and “From a whisper to a roar.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.” One of the author’s comments that stood out for me: “Don’t ask others to tell you what you alone can hear. In doing so, you give them power over the God-whisper within your heart. Honor what God whispers, and take the time to listen to what he imparts in excellence to you.”

As women, we have what it takes to succeed—strength, beauty, power, spiritual awareness—in whatever task God assigns us.  

It was difficult for me to keep coming back to complete the book—I’d recommend condensing the book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Waterbrook Multnomah book review bloggers program, “Blogging for Books.”
