Tag Archive for: Sally Stuart

keep on persevering!

Last evening our writers’ group met. Our meeting centered around two writers market guides: Sally Stuart’s, “Christian Writers’ Market Guide,” and “Writer’s Market.” They both offer  a wealth of information for gaining insight into the publishing world: what constitutes a good query letter (and  bad one), types of periodicals & subject matter by category, agents, contests, editorial services, etc…,

We shared a profitable round of discussion with critique of each other’s work near the end of the time.

Main points:

*do your homework! study 4-6 months worth of magazines ahead of time before querying the publisher.

*research in a market guide to determine what type of article/content the publisher is looking for their particular audience.

*read your piece out loud several times. it always helps to let another trusted person read your work and offer suggestions. you may/or may not take their suggestions–that’s totally up to you!

Rejection: you’re going to get it…it’s not “if”, but when! When you’re rejected, pick yourself up & begin again–no thin skins allowed. More than likely, it just means your type of writing does not suit that particular venue. You will overcome–keep on persevering!


Maranatha Writers Conf.-day #3

by the shores of Lake Michigan--Maranatha...just a few steps away


Beautiful Lake Michigan is just a few steps away from the Maranatha Conference Grounds–I’m finding the location to be the IDEAL place for ideas for my writing to spring forth.
We learned about SACRIFICES…Sally Stuart, author of “Christian Writers’ Market Guide” shared a few tips of the trade:
  • Too full schedule? – what can I give up? look first to the things I really don’t like to do or want to do (housework? that might not count–unless you can get away with it!) look at things that don’t enrich my writing life or me spiritually…maybe a few of those could go. if the task competes with my writing time (email, TV)–then maybe it’s the thing to disappear.
  • Need free thinking time. time to just “be” still and not “do.” what’s a good time for me?
  • Need “unreproducible experiences.” look for ways to do things in my life differently. take a different route to work, eat at a different restaurant, meet with a new person/acquaintance for coffee. fill your reservoir with new, quirky ideas.
  • Need to be more curious? listen (eavesdrop on conversations–it’s okay, you’re a writer!) smell, look, taste–use ALL your senses to sniff out a story. write a profile or scene every day. BE ALERT AND AWARE wherever you go! More than likely, a story is brewing!

more to follow… 

Writer’s Meeting Recap

Just a few tips gleaned from our WMFC meeting:


  • We shared long and short-term goals with each other. Accountability is a huge key in staying focused.
  • Diagrammed our personal goals and how to measure our progress toward our inner voice. We each need to move forward in the direction of our own unique voice. Harmonize with your voice. Disharmony results in being off sync which can happen if we attempt to mimic other voices and style. Clear certain things from our schedules and move them out of the way-mulch-so young sprouts have room to grow. Those “certain things” are different for each of us.
  • Familiarize self with “Christian Writers Market Guide” by Sally Stuart containing a wealth of information for writers.
  • Websites are a great way to further hone our craft and build a writer’s platform.
  • Blog. In order to drive the traffic, adhere to these guidelines:
    • Write regularly in your blog – suggest at least two times per week
    • Assign key words, tags
    • Write on other people’s blogs
    • Social network: Facebook, blog etc.


Assignment for Next Meeting on July 7:


Come prepared with a piece written within the last 30 days. You can post it on “meetup.com” so comments/critique can be offered ahead of time, or bring copies to share at the next face-to-face meeting.
