Tag Archive for: Sara Watkins

Garrison Keillor Concert

Steve and I witnessed an amazing Summer Love Tour performance by Garrison Keillor, Sara Watkins, and the “Prairie Home Companion” group!  Their energy appeared boundless and kept the crowd either singing along, clapping, or snapping their fingers.  The performance began promptly at 7 pm and continued to nearly 10 pm, with Garrison and Sara mixing with the audience singing Amazing Grace and patriotic songs during intermission time.

We arrived an hour before Meijer Gardens gates opened, so we opened up our beach chairs and just made ourselves at home.  People in line around us showed themselves friendly as we all chatted back and forth.  Even when we claimed our lawn space inside the gates prior to the show, the gal on my right introduced her and her husband to us.

We had plenty of time to eat our food from the cooler and watch the crowds continue to gather.  All ages seemed to be present.  The evening proved to be poetic, reminiscent, inspiring, realistic, and fun!  No disappointments at all.
