Tag Archive for: scripture

Book lover corner

“It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own,”—Arthur Conan Doyle.

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely LOVE books. Fiction, non-fiction, memoir, mystery, funny & serious books. I give them away and let people borrow from my extensive, unorganized library. You might hear me say,

“Take care of this one. Treat it gently; like family.”

As an early married gal, I read all I could about engagements and then married life. Love languages of men and women. During my child rearing years, I tended toward non-fiction, self help type of books. How to potty train in one week. Then, we moved to the turbulent teen years. What to do when you teen doesn’t like you any more (not even a little bit)? Later, as our children grew and moved out, I stared at the empty nest years. How to keep our marriage flame burning brightly. Happy days came when our first born son and his wife were blessed with our first grandchild, Liberty Hope. How do I creatively grandparent from far away?

Seasons come and go in your life and in mine. One of the keys I’ve found is to be flexible. Having a positive attitude and eagerness to embrace a new chapter in life also is helpful.    image001 (Copy)

Over the last several years, I’ve been investigating various genres of books. After attending various writer conferences, I’ve learned some benefits of exposing myself to all sorts of writing.

But the most widely used and appreciated book throughout my entire life would have to be the Bible. The Word of God. Scripture. There are many different titles/references to this Holy Book. Whatever you choose to call this inspired and God-breathed book, I’ve found it to be the answer to any question that might surface during a lifetime. Whether you’re angry, sad, doubtful, happy, searching, or confused, ask God to lead you to the passage that will speak to your specific heart need.

• What is the burning question(s) in your mind right now?

Steady as she goes

Bad news comes in all shapes and forms. It could be: a car breakdown, loss of job or hours at work, strained relationship, death of a loved one, inability to become pregnant, health issues, or a rebellious/wayward child. Regardless of the bad news content, we do not welcome it’s intrusion into our busy, pre-planned lives.    image001 (Copy)

Life was going so well, but then _______ or _______ happened! When life seems to go swimmingly along, I tend to revert to “neutral/coast” mode. Yet when life throws me a curve, insignificant details don’t seem to matter all of a sudden. Then I’m all about seeking wisdom or a cure. Daily mundane tasks are put on hold. I may cry out to God, Why me? Why now? I tend to search out Scripture for comfort. Or, humble myself and ask others for prayer support.

I looked up the definition of the word ‘steadfast.’ You don’t hear the word used much these days. Here’s what I found:

Fixed in direction, steadily directed, firm in purpose, resolution, faith, unwavering, firmly established, firmly fixed in place or position.

What I hear the psalmist saying is that I must keep my heart firmly fixed on God. To be steady in my direction and purpose. Do not waver on my convictions. Stand firmly planted on what I believe and in Whom I believe.

  •  Where do you go when you hear bad news?
  • How steadfast is your heart?

“He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord”—Psalm 112:7.

Are you thirsty?

“On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him” – John 7:37-38

The Lord is my Shepherd

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake” — Psalm 23:1–3.

As I read this passage, my mind and soul feel wrapped in comfort and peace. Through the flurry of the week’s events, God’s words speak restoration and renewal.

It’s difficult to come aside and take time to read scripture, let alone, practice what is written. Yet, I know from past experience that when I do make the time to meditate and pray my day goes smoother. My mind stays focused and uncluttered and I accomplish much more than when I constantly worry.

Dear God, forgive me when I want more than I really need. Help me to be content with the many blessings you’ve already give. When I’m content and appreciative, it’s then that you can teach and lead me. I look forward to quiet waters and green pastures.

Are you at a place where it’s hard to look around and see calmness in your life? Can you step aside for even 10 minutes and name your blessings one by one?

Los Cabos shoreline – photo by Steve Lasher