I am excited about the possibilities of publishing a book that offers hope and encouragement for busy young adults up to and including seniors. My book targets anyone interested in becoming a happier, healthier self by following three proper self-care areas: emotional, physical, and spiritual.
So far, five (5) editors have copies of my proposed meditation/devotional book. Of the five, one said, “No, thank you.” That leaves four (4) still pending.
I queried two other publishing companies and asked if they’d like to see my book proposal after teasing them a bit with some information about the book. One of the two said they’d like to see more!
Received 2 feedbacks from editors on the SAME DAY regarding my book proposal:
1) One response was from a query letter I sent out–she asked to see the entire book proposal –Yeah 🙂
2) The other editor said, “No, thank you.”
I shall keep on plugging! Perseverance is the name of the game.