Tag Archive for: star

How majestic is God’s name!

Sunset over Lakeshore Yacht Harbor - Muskegon Lake

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens … When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him …” (Psalm 8:1, 3–4).

I marvel at the magnificence and magnitude of God’s creation and the work of his hands. The sight causes me to praise his name. He is too big to comprehend. Too complex to fully appreciate. But I can say, holy, holy, holy — how majestic is your name in all the earth!

God, you are worthy to be praised.

Jesus: the Reason for the Season (part II)

My preparations for the season (so far) consist of running here and there while wearing myself out. I’ve carved so little free time out to just sit and contemplate the real reason for the season. It is Jesus’ birthday and He is the reason for the season. 

I’m pretty sure the God who sent his Son to die on the cross for our sins is less than pleased when I turn the Christmas season into a chaotic competition. Jesus’ birth in a non-descript stable caused angels to sing and shepherds to follow a star. All of heaven rejoiced at the birth which changed the course of mankind forever.

Dear God, please forgive me for being so occupied with my own agenda that I fail to acknowledge the giver of the most perfect gift of all. I’m sure glad you weren’t too busy to think of me. Thank you for sending your son to die in my place and for those who believe on your name.

How about you? Are you taking time during this hectic month to thank God for the indescribable gift in the form of God’s only Son?

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)


Jesus: the Reason for the Season (part I)


“Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” –  Ephesians 4:2–3.  

Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus

Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time being patient with some people. Maybe it’s the season of the year. Christmas is approaching fast and I don’t have all the gifts purchased yet. The presents I do have are scattered all around my office. The room is a complete disaster. I’m waiting for the neat fairies to descend, wave a magic wand, and all will be categorized, packaged and labeled ready for delivery. I can dream, right?

Family members can’t make up their minds when they’re available so a Christmas time table can be set. My personality thrives on schedules and unity, and when neither happens, I tend to stress to the max. A gentle spirit rapidly gives way to an abrupt, cool personality. Patience melts into exasperation and love has a hard time finding a home in my heart. The results resemble anything BUT peaceful.


Delightful, whimsical storybook

Review of Little Star, by Anthony DeStefano, illustrated by Mark Elliiott.

Little Star’s illustrations are beautifully detailed in life-like fashion. My 4-year old granddaughter, Liberty, and I read the book several times. She listened and sat still for the story two times in a row. 

Little Star wrestles with the issue of peer pressure when the other stars ignore him due to his small size and different beliefs. My granddaughter felt sad for Little Star when the other stars didn’t pay attention to him and he didn’t get sparkled and dusted by long-tailed comets like they did. The other stars didn’t agree or believe a King would be born poor and in a lowly manger.  Little Star didn’t listen to the other stars, but instead did what he knew to be right and true by burning brighter and brighter to warm the newborn baby even to the point of burning out.

Liberty recalled her Sunday school class Christmas program from a year ago when the innkeeper said there was no room for baby Jesus in the Inn and began to recite the words to the song she had memorized.  Later, while when we visited a friend’s house, she commented about the star on top of their Christmas tree and immediately said, “That’s like Little Star!”

One suggestion: I would have liked to read about Little Star pointing the way for the wise men to come worship baby Jesus making the story truer to the actual biblical account.

 Little Star is a delightful story for the young and the young-at-heart!

(Note: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.)


Oh Holy Night!


I heard “Oh Holy Night” on the radio on the way to church this morning. I thought to myself how cool that would be to have that song sung at my funeral or “home to glory” service. Not a song you would normally think to weave into a eulogy, but I like it anyway. Home for Christmas—now wouldn’t this be a glorious time of year celebration? What better place to be in December— the month we celebrate Jesus’ birth? I can think of no finer place…home with those loved ones who’ve gone before me…my own dear Mother, Steve’s Dad, Grandfather Guy and Grandmother Ethel…just to name a few.

“The stars are brightly shining…,” the star marked and guided curious shepherds that Holy Night ‘till they arrived at their appointed destination. Today, we have God’s words in the Bible as we read about Jesus’ birth in a humble Bethlehem stable. 

In the meantime, my mission is to proclaim that birth until God’s second coming to earth. Philippians 2 reminds us, “that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe, as you hold out the word of life.”

“This is the night of our dear Saviors’ birth…” Yes, this is the day—what a day of rejoicing! I, too, can sing with the angels, “Oh Holy Night.!”

Prayer:  Oh, God, even though I wasn’t personally there the night the angels sang glorifying your Son’s holy birth, I can read about this miracle and gain godly wisdom within the pages of my Bible. Thank you for sharing your Son and giving us the precious gift of life eternally with you.

Ask:  Is there someone in your life who needs to know about Jesus’ birth over 2,000 years ago? How can you “shine like stars in the universe” in your corner of the world?

“Fall on your knees – Oh hear the angel voices – Oh night divine – Oh night when Christ was born – Oh night divine!” 


Is your Light shining?


Let your light so shine!

“…Shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life,”

Paul writing to the Philippians

 Is my light shining today? Or is it hidden under a bushel where it’s of no use to anyone?

