Tag Archive for: Statia

Unplugged for 15 days

St. Bart's

You’ve probably wondered where I’ve been the last couple of weeks — 15 days of being “unplugged” from Internet and cell phones. Yes, I said 15 days & I must say except for the first 2-3 days of nervous withdrawal, it’s been great! I am here today to tell you it can be done and with a large degree of satisfaction.

My location necessitated this decision to be totally unplugged. My husband and I and three other couples boarded a 40-foot Leopard catamaran in Marigot Bay, St. Martin. We successfully circumnavigated nine different islands and bays in the West Indies including St. Marteen (Dutch & French side), St. Barts, Nevis, St. Kitts, Statia, Anguilla, Ilet Pinel & Tintamarre and back to St. Marteen.

Botanical Gardens - Nevis

Botanical Gardens - Nevis

I experienced a wide spectrum of emotions during the two weeks including (but not limited to):

  • Joy (beauty in nature, delightful foods, camaraderie with friends, lasting picture memories)
  • Fear (wind and waves)
  • Amazement (God’s creation – colorful fish, flowers, plants, trees, mountains)
  • Pain (received a bite of some kind which caused swelling, intense heat)
  • Ecstasy (color of waters, majestic mountains, birds, flying fish and turtles)
  • Regret (family members & friends not there with us to experience this beauty)

Now I can bask in memories as I peruse our numerous pictures. You, too, can come along as I share the photos here & on Facebook.

Flower on St. Barts

Flower on St. Barts