Tag Archive for: storm

Time to withdraw?

“Life’s roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors.”

Going through a rough patch right now? Possibly your creativity has all but stopped. Maybe life seems unfair as you battle depression, a job loss, or rejections from numerous publications? Has the weather got you down due to seeing only snippets of sun in the last week? It’s tough to write from an empty heart, but then again, it could be rewarding in the end.

"Life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors."

“Life’s roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors.”

Take comfort in the fact that Jesus himself felt the need to withdraw from the crowd. In fact, Luke 5:16, states that he often withdrew – “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” If Jesus felt it necessary to come aside, how much more should I? While away, scripture says that he prayed to his Heavenly Father.

Dear God, you are my Rock, my everlasting shelter in the midst of a storm. You do not waver and your love and mercy has no limit. Thank you for being my steady, solid anchor. I can depend on you no matter what I may face today. Amen.

There’s no reason to feel guilty about taking the time to take care of me. This valuable period is worthwhile, nurturing, and necessary.

When you and I do return to the masses (or just our family and friends), we will be a much better happier and healthier person for having taken the time to slip away into the wilderness.

Will your anchor hold?

billowy clouds

“Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, when the clouds unfold their wings of strife? When the storm tides lift and the cables strain, will your anchor drift or firm remain?

We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll; fastened to the rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.” — Priscilla Jane Owens, Will Your Anchor Hold?

My anchor holds

We sang a song in church a few weeks ago and my mind still rehearses the words. For some reason, this week I cling desperately to the words and meaning behind them. I must not allow the storms to shade the light of day.

Muskegon, Michigan pier - photo by Steve Lasher

Muskegon, Michigan pier - photo by Steve Lasher

“Though the angry surges roll on my tempest-driven soul, I am peaceful, for I know …

I’ve an anchor safe and sure, that can evermore endure. But in Christ I can be bold …”  – (My Anchor Holds – lyrics by William C. Martin)

The winds do wildly blow on my bark so small and frail. It’s as though I feel there’s no relief in sight and I may crumble at any moment.

But that’s when my God speaks peace to me, “Be still, my child — you are worried about things that I can handle. Your job is to rest in me and let me be your strong anchor in the midst of the storms.”

Rest. Abide. Trust.

73rd Challenge for Queen’s Cup

 Watching a storm from the shoreline at Pier Marquette Park in Muskegon. Lightning, thunder, and rain pelting as I wait for the Lake Express ferry boat to appear in the channel. The boat will take the guys (including my husband) to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in preparation for the Queen’s Cup sailboat race.

The race begins 6 pm Wisconsin time (7 pm our time) in Milwaukee and finishing at Muskegon–approximately 69 nautical miles. This race is an overnight sprint across Lake Michigan. Over 200 boats plan to compete.

From the shoreline, looks and sounds pretty wild out there on the horizon. Praying for safety, no sea sickness, and a fast race!


Sometimes He calms the storm…

Sometimes God calms the storm, and other times He calms His child.  How the words to this song ring so true.  When I ask for healing…healing may or may not occur.  God may desire me to suffer through the doubt and pain and trust Him through the illness. 

I ask him to restore a precious relationship.  But he may not allow or cause that restoration.  At least not right now.  And it’s often during these times that I grow the most and learn to lean on God.  Faith, Trust, and Obedience is what he requires of me today. 

I often forget the fact that God’s timing is not my timing.  His ways are not always my ways, because He is God and I am not.

 Sometimes He calms the storm, by Scott Krippayne

All who sail the sea of faith
Find out before too long
How quickly blue skies can grow dark
And gentle winds grow strong

Suddenly fear is like white water
Pounding on the soul
Still we sail on knowing
That our Lord is in control

Sometimes He calms the storm
With a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea
But it doesn’t mean He will

Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm
And other times He calms His child

He has a reason for each trial
That we pass through in life
And though we’re shaken
We cannot be pulled apart from Christ

No matter how the driving rain beats down
On those who hold to faith
A heart of trust will always
Be a quiet peaceful place
