Tag Archive for: supernatural

“What do you want me to do for you?”

My reading for the day takes me to the story of a blind beggar who receives his sight (Luke 18:35–43). Day after day the beggar sat beside the road. One day a crowd passed by. He asked what all the commotion was about and was told, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”     eye glasses

The beggar knew in his heart he needed to get near Jesus — one way or the other. But he couldn’t see to make his way in Jesus’ direction.

So he did the next best thing, he shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” The people around him told him to be quiet. They were annoyed with his constant noise making having only their own agenda in mind. He ignored them and continued to shout out Jesus’ name in hopes that his pleas would capture the Son of David’s attention. And his persistence paid off.

Jesus stopped and asked the beggar, “What do you want me to do for you?” Now that sounds like a leading question if I ever heard one.

“Lord, I want to see.”

Jesus said, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God.

This story makes me think about my own life. God gave me the gift of sight, so I don’t need to ask for eyes to see. But there are things that disturb me that I should be asking for on a daily basis. For instance … the ability to see people through God’s eyes feeling their pain and trying to understand and relate to their needs.

It helps to remember that God works in supernatural ways and is still the God of the impossible. I must believe he is almighty and willing and able to restore healthy relationships to unity and joy.

Thank you, God, that you are mighty. You care about me and desire unity in this strained relationship. You created both of us uniquely. Help me to be patient for your perfect timing in restoration. Give me wise words when we are together so I will not hinder the process. Thank you for forgiving me when I sin and falter time and again.

Is there something that is troubling your soul? Something you’ve been asking God to do for you for a long time? Can you tell him and hold nothing back? Bare your soul to the God of the universe who wants to be your counselor. Allow him to comfort and answer that thing which plagues your soul causing distress and lack of sleep.
