Tag Archive for: teacher


Five-Minute Friday – POTENTIAL         apples

“You have such great Potential!” Reminds me of a classic response from a teacher. You don’t have to say the student is good at any one particular subject matter, but that she has potential to be good at such & such. Maybe it’s a way of sugar-coating the fact that the student is either lazy, unmotivated, almost there, but not quite.

God tells us in His word over and over that we have great potential. Only he sincerely means what He says! We have such great potential because you and I are created in His image. And how can He be wrong, misguided, or tell a lie. None of those attributes can be connected with a loving heavenly Father.

He tells me he loves me, cares for, and wants only the best for me and my life. How can I not love and trust someone who only has my best interests in mind? A daughter of the Most High King. What more potential could one ask for? I know of no higher compliment than this. Lord. I don’t want you to be ashamed of me. Help me to strive to know you more and serve you better in this upcoming new month and season.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.


This post is part of the weekly Five-Minute Friday link-up!

The prompt this week is: Potential

The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

New Year’s Resolutions

Last year I did some rotten things.
This year I will be better.
Here are some resolutions
I will follow to the letter:

I won’t make dumb excuses
when my homework isn’t done;
when the truth is that I did no work
‘cause I was having fun.

I won’t fly paper airplanes
when the teacher isn’t looking.
I won’t sneak in the kitchen
just to taste what they are cooking.

I will not twist the silverware
to see how far it bends.
I will not take the candy bars
from lunch bags of my friends.

I will not skateboard down the hall
or skateboard down the stairs.
I won’t run over teachers,
and I won’t crash into chairs.

I will not do these rotten things;
my heart is full of sorrow.
But I have got some brand-new tricks
to try in school tomorrow.  [by Bruce Lansky]

Fun Family Times

Blessing #93: delightful day of tubing, boating and picnicking on the Mississippi River. Family times with son and family.

Blessing #94:  squeals of laughter from our grandchildren as we motor fast in dad’s new speed boat.

I’ve always LOVED to color, so when my grandchildren, Liberty or Elijah, ask me to color, I jump at the chance. Why is it adults feel they need to be coloring with a child? Why can’t I break out the colors any day of the week and just color on my own?  This past weekend while visiting our children in Minnesota, I colored. First with one, then the other grandchild. And I enjoyed every minute of it.

We played dominoes and an old-time favorite, Memory Game. Before we began, I said to Liberty that she’d have to remind me how to play the game. Here’s her explanation:

“Basically, Nana, this is how I play…”

 I cracked up at her choice of the word, basically. Last year, her favorite word was actually. She very patiently went through the rules of how to match the proper Mommy animal to her baby animal. Maybe she’ll be a teacher someday, who knows? I know for a fact that her Grandpa is a patient, methodical teacher who taught me to ride a bike with speed, roller blade, water ski, drive a boat, sail—among other things. 

“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:2–4).
