Tag Archive for: tears

From tears of sorrow to tears of joy

I began the day in tears thinking about missing my own dear Mom. One word that described my mother would be “Encourager.” My Mom was my biggest cheerleader. If she only knew how far I’ve come along with my dream of writing and publishing … she’d be waving those imaginary pom-poms and saying, “You go, girl. I am so proud of you!”

But she isn’t here to wish a Happy Mother’s Day. On July 23, 1990 (a very sad day indeed) God chose to bring her home to him. How could such a good woman, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and daughter be taken from us at such a young age? Yet I know that God’s “thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (Isaiah 55:8).

I wasn’t even sure I could hold it together enough to attend church, but I’m happy to say that the day ended with me feeling thankful and blessed! Our church orchestra and choir played and sang awesome music. God knew just what I needed to hear — He is all we need (Sing to the King). I spent time after the service chatting with some friends.

I felt blessed beyond measure on all counts by the end of the day. God is indeed awesome! God filled in the gaps of missing my own Mom with other’s love and generosity …

  • Amanda, our daughter, came to the house bearing cool gifts for me (she has excellent taste!). Steve’s (my husband) mother came over to visit.
  • The 4 of us enjoyed a picnic on the deck under beautiful sunny skies
  • Andrew, our son, and his wife called from Minnesota and wished me Happy Mother’s Day. I also received a lovingly hand-crafted card and bookmark from the family.
  • Steve grilled yummy steaks and asparagus on the grill
  • Chat time on our patio swing
  • Later, Amanda, Steve and I toured on our motorcycles up north and walked around Long Lake Park. The 2 photography geeks took photos of spring bursting forth.


Sing to the King

Come, let us sing a song
A song declaring that we belong to Jesus,
He is all we need.
Lift up a heart of praise,
Sing now with voices raised to Jesus,
Sing to the King.

Happy Birthday to my Son

It’s hard to believe my “baby” boy is 33 years old today! It seems like just yesterday when he began to eat solid food, say his first words and took those first unsteady steps. I distinctly remember when he was riding in the front seat of our truck (there was no back seat) and he spied a truck just ahead of us and proclaimed,

“F – O – R – D; truck!”

He was so pleased with himself as he practiced letters he was learning, that I didn’t have the heart to tell him that wasn’t quite right!

My Mom was right when she encouraged me to enjoy those early years because sooner than you think, they’ll be grown and out of the house. Now he’s married and has three little ones of his own! My … how those years seemed to fly.

Son, we’ve been through good times and bad. Ups and downs. As in every family, not every day was a perfect day. But we managed to weather our experiences together as we grew and learned. Tears, pain, and lots of prayer goes into parenting, but I wouldn’t trade our children and grandchildren for any amount of money.

Some days it takes a conscious effort to love our children unconditionally regardless of their behavior — just like God loves you and me. God loves and forgives us when we don’t deserve loving or forgiving. But that’s what God does, isn’t it?

Your Dad and I are so proud of you — for what you stand for and for what you’ve become. A faithful husband and loving dad, and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ … a son whom we love and enjoy talking to and spending time with. Thank you, God, for protecting and strengthening Andrew in the faith. We are blessed beyond measure have MUCH to celebrate in 2012.


Tell it to Jesus

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

God really is the only one I can go to in times of turmoil, confusion, and misunderstanding. He’s the one who understands my pain and knows my heart’s longings. People around me (family and friends) can say and do hurtful things, but only God knows their motivation and individual pain.

I long for peace and unity in an imperfect world. Deep down I know ‘tis impossible. One thing I know for certain: only Jesus is perfect and can satisfy my hungering soul.

Tell it to Jesus (lyrics and composer: Edmund S. Lorenz, 1876)

Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.
Are you grieving over joys departed?
Tell it to Jesus alone.

Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus,
He is a Friend that’s well known.
You’ve no other such a friend or brother,
Tell it to Jesus alone.

Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden?
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.
Have you sins that to men’s eyes are hidden?
Tell it to Jesus alone.

Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus,
He is a Friend that’s well known.
You’ve no other such a friend or brother,
Tell it to Jesus alone.