Tag Archive for: Thomas Hammond

Funeral Visitation Today

My sister and I attended Pastor/Chaplain Thomas Hammond’s visitation at the funeral home this afternoon arriving shortly after visiting hours began. We stood for an hour and a half to get near the front of the line to speak to his dear wife, June, and family.

The wait seemed to go by quickly as we reminiscenced with friends we hadn’t seen in years and met new ones. We talked of how we knew Pastor Hammond, how long, and the impact he’d made on our life. I suspect the two visitation sessions will melt together, because we left nearly two hours later, and the line formed was just as long as when we first entered the building.

Once again, I walked away amazed at the many, many lives Thomas Hammond impacted. Tom Hammond left a huge, godly legacy evident for so many to see and remember. We will miss you dearly. Thank you for all you did in my life, my family, and scores more.



Heaven Rejoices, but many here on earth grieve

Thomas Edwin Hammond was tragically killed in an automobile accident last evening—so young…just turned 61 years old.

I say, NO, it cannot be so! This gentlemen/pastor/chaplain is the person I credit to saving our son’s life. He made the call for Steve and I years ago, arranged a spot for him to enroll in Minnesota Teen Challenge’s 12-month drug rehab program, 700 miles away from home in Michigan. Without that call to MTC, I’m not sure where our son would be today. More than likely, dead.

Then there was the missed telephone call…I’d talked with Tom earlier. Tom called back, but unfortunately I missed that call from him just a few short weeks ago. Instead of talking with him, I wrote on his FB page how much we appreciated him, and rejoiced at how well our son is doing today.

I can’t wrap my head, mind around his death and what this deep loss means to his dear wife, June, children, and grandchildren. My brain is numb; stomach feels bottomless, body weak, and mind unable to focus. He loved and served his God faithfully for many, many years. As former youth pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, then chaplain at Forgotten Man Ministries – he gave his all to service in God’s name.

I can’t imagine the grief his dear wife, June, and the family are feeling now. But I can say, without a shadow of doubt, that Tom was a man after God’s heart. He (and only he) made a call to Minnesota Teen Challenge for our teenage son. That call reserved a spot for our son that ultimately saved his life.

Tom, I can’t begin to thank you enough for saving our son’s life. In my family’s life, you are God’s Miracle Worker. Well, done, good and faithful servant. You are loved much, and will be deeply missed, dear one!

Sharing your grief,

Teresa and Steve

