Tag Archive for: Timothy

Fond Memories of Mom

Today would have been my Mom’s birthday. I miss her. All three of her siblings miss her a lot. A celebration would have been planned had she still been here. Instead, 22 years ago there was a celebration: her promotion into Glory where she now resides happily in Heaven. My Mom, the party planner, lived to invite family over for any celebration — large or small. She just loved entertaining with food and gifts. If there was any possible excuse to see her children or grandchildren, she took advantage of the occasion.

Mom was not ashamed to tell others about her faith in God. People gravitated to her kind, gentle and caring spirit. She didn’t hide her light under a bushel, but eagerly told anyone how blessed she was and that God was the center of her life. She felt a special connection to anyone needing emotional or physical help.

She’s a witness and reminder to me of Timothy’s words in 2 Timothy 1, “I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God … For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”

I need not fear what others may think of me when I confess my belief in God. God gave me that same spirit of power, of love and a sound mind too. So today, I thank God that he blessed me with a Mom who was respected and loved, worked hard, and spoke wisdom to all. I choose to model her godliness to my children, grandchildren, and to those whose lives I touch.

Ask: Is there someone in your life who models similar positive traits … maybe a relative, friend, or mentor who has your best interests in mind? Have you carved time in your busy schedule to walk alongside this individual and learn from them?
