Tag Archive for: tomato

Smaller tasks … less grumbling

baby tomato close up (Copy)

There it was. My very first baby tomato. I felt almost as if I’d birthed the vegetable myself. Of course, I didn’t. I just planted it and watered it. And God watered it for me too. I saw other yellow flowers which meant more tomatoes grew on the horizon.

baby tomato (Copy)





I was not always a garden girl. No, when we owned almost an acre of land, I rarely planted anything worthy of eating. The land seemed too vast for me, so I didn’t even tackle the ground. In fact, you could probably hear me grumbling about the magnitude of weeds and yard to maintain.

But now, with just a deck and a few deck planters, the task seemed manageable. I am even excited to be the caretaker (along with my husband) of a two tomato plants, one banana pepper, cilantro, mint, dill weed, sage, rosemary, and lettuce growing from seeds.

Maybe that’s the key to starting any formidable project. Breaking the tasks down into smaller, more manageable sections. Maybe then forward motion can be maintained and I won’t feel overwhelmed and defeated before I begin.

It won’t be long now when I’ll be able to walk out on the deck and pluck some fresh lettuce for an evening garden salad.  I can almost taste the freshness!

lettuce from seed (Copy)


Fried Green tomatoes anyone?

(Photo by Teresa)

I eagerly watch as my first green tomato crop grows heartily on the vine. I can almost taste the juicy, red tomato next to a bacon slice surrounded by leafy lettuce all sandwiched between two pieces of toast.

But patient I must be. The harvest can’t be hurried. However there are things I can do to promote success such as.

*Faithful watering

*Adequate sunshine

*Occasional fertilizing

The sturdy vine connects to the branches that support the tomato. If for some reason, the branch becomes detached from the vine, the growth process stops. Fruit cannot happen without its source of strength.

The apostle John talks about how God is the gardener in John 15:1, 4–5. “I am the vine, and my Father is the gardener … remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Just like the sturdy vine connects to the branches supporting the tomato, God is the vine of protection. There are certain things I can do in order to strengthen the vine such as:

*Spending time in prayer and reading the Bible

*Seeking out spiritual mentors and friends

*Regular church attendance with those of like faith

Without a combination of the above, life becomes unbalanced. We need God and each other to survive and thrive.

Do you feel connected to the vine? If so, in what way?


Watching tomatoes grow

The growing process takes time. It takes energy and patience for a seedling to grow into lettuce leaves to eat or be able to bite into a tomato. Question is: am I willing to wait for germination? Willing to invest what it takes to get to the coveted harvest stage? I can’t forget to water, weed, fertilize, and prune. Otherwise, the crop tends to get out of hand and the fruit ends up less than desirable.

Some days I’m not sure. There is sweat and sacrifice of time. Yet, when I do take the necessary precautions and commit to whatever it takes—the rewards are sweet!

The growing process of vegetables and fruit can be likened to my growth as a Christian—a follower of Jesus Christ. Maturing and growing to be more like God is a process and does not happen overnight. I need to make a conscious effort to read the Bible, pray, and spend time with believers of like faith. Then, and only then, will I grow and become more pleasing to God.  

Prayer:  Forgive me, God, for allowing other stuff (and people) to interfere in getting to know you better. Help me spend more time pleasing you rather than seeking the affection and attention of others.

Ask: Is there something you can do to fertilize your life? Have you not been as faithful as you’d like in praying or reading God’s love letter?

“So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience…”(Colossians 1:10-11).
