Tag Archive for: tooth

got that numbing feeling

Resting comfortably at home after the tooth implant…numbing face is decreasing and am beginning to feel the soreness in the mouth. already took my 1st Tylenol 3 w/codeine, so hopefully that will continue to cause me to be a happy camper. Guess all went as planned==no one said anything different. drinking Vernos, had some applesauce earlier, and Steve just fixed a type of milkshake (w/o milk of course.)

So thankful this part is over!!!  I’ll sit back and be a lady of leisure for a time. thanks for your thoughts and prayers.


Prayer request

Tomorrow morning (Friday) at 9:10 I’m scheduled for a tooth implant. I lost the tooth over a year ago, and now it’s time to get it taken care of–there’s no good time!  Thanks for the tips from some of you during this decision-making process.

The surgeon has set aside 2 hrs and I need to have a designated driver (Steve)–no, I’m not allowed to drink!   Unfortunately, this isn’t a one-time deal; I’ll be scheduled for follow-up appts and eventually fitted for a crown from my regular dentist. It will be months before the task is complete.

I’m told I’ll be swollen and bruised for a few days.  I started an antibiotic today w/a backup supply of Tylenol 3 w/codeine.  Looking on the bright side, consuming only clear liquids and soft foods for a time…maybe I’ll lose a few more pounds!!

I’d sure appreciate your prayers during this not-looking-forward-to time. Thanks again!

 p.s. Tonight, I’m having my last supper at Outback Steakhouse to celebrate my mother-in-law’s 85th birthday!!  🙂


No straws allowed!


Another rule…

No Straws allowed!

Liquid diet for a day or so; then soft foods only to promote healing after the tooth extraction.

Life was going along fine until hunger pains hit. I seem to remember way back in the refrigerator a tiny box with soy chocolate milk. Yum!!! That would taste mighty good, be refreshing, and provide nutrition. So I shook up the box and inserted the tiny straw that was affixed to the box.

I thought nothing of it until Steve comes up the stairs, took one look at me, and shouted,

“Why are you drinking from a straw? The instructions say no straws because it might break up the clotted area.”

Oops again!

I honestly thought following the rules would be a piece of cake (no pun intended.)


Thou shalt not spit!


When I first read those words in my list of instructions after my tooth was removed, I thought—weird—well, I won’t have a problem with that don’t do.

Later, as I was brushing my teeth, I automatically spit into the sink. Oops…I wasn’t supposed to do that.

Then, as I whished my mouthwash around to cleanse my palate, I spit again. Oops…I wasn’t supposed to do that either. Maybe this rule will be a problem after all!



The Morning After…

Up this morning, but moving rather slowly! Downed a cup of applesauce to take with my meds. On a liquid, then soft food diet for a few days. This should help me shed the extra pounds I gained last week on vacation.

Glad the extraction process is over and looking forward to pain free days ahead! In the olden days, I can recall a loose tooth. My dad would tie a string around it and shut the door. Is that true or was it a dream?


Continuing Tooth Saga…

I met w/an endodontic dentist today referred by my regular dentist.

Good news: no root canal in my near future.

Bad news: cannot save the cracked tooth (which had no fillings in it whatsoever!) go figure.

2:00 pm today – app’t w/oral surgeon to extract the tooth – we’ll discuss options re: implant or bridgework to fill in the gap. joy!

Thanks for your continued prayers – I really do not like dentist’s office one little bit!
