Tag Archive for: weather

Turbulent forecast ahead?

Dark, ominous sky overhead         
Warns of rain and inclement weather.
Tempest clouds
Speak of turbulent forecast.
Yet, we are docked safe and secure
Naught to worry or fear.

Even though outside the
Weather is frightful, I know
He has this whole world in His hands.
Deep within my soul
I can truly say,
It is well with my soul.      





The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit, John 3:8.



How’s the Weather?

My friend posted a comment on Facebook, “What a beautiful day! Praise God from whom all blessings flow … God’s beauty is apparent in all weather conditions.” While some may complain about the cold and ice, she chooses to be positive and uplifting. Finding beauty can sometimes be a chore.      IMG_20150103_092214311_HDR

You see, she’s home in the frigid, icy, white conditions up North in Michigan while my husband and I took a vacation down south. She could choose to be negative, but she doesn’t operate that way. For me, temperatures were warm enough to wear shorts and sandals. She and others didn’t note comments of jealously, but rejoiced with me.

We can find beauty anywhere with an open heart. I’ve come to realize that beauty, as well as joy, doesn’t have to be contingent on circumstances or our environment. Joy is a choice. We choose to find beauty which leads to joy within.

  •  Look around you. Name a few things you see that make you think of “beauty.”
  • What type of emotions or feelings come forth as you view your surroundings?

Dear God, thank you for Your handiwork in creating such beauty. We have so much to be thankful for! I want to be present in every moment and acknowledge the part You play in my daily life. Amen.

Give thanks

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge” — Psalm 19:1–2.    

We’ve been having some crazy weather here in the mid-west. This spring we experienced unprecedented temperatures in the 80s followed by snow, hail, and sleet the next week. Farmers became fearful and went to extreme measures to protect their apple buds from frost and freeze. They built fires around the perimeters of their orchards and hired helicopters to hover above the trees in an attempt to maintain even temperatures.

As I live, breathe, and work in these extreme fluctuations and witness the sky in various forms of flex, I can’t help but stop and marvel at God’s handiwork. Only he could fashion the varying temperatures and atmospheric conditions choosing rain, snow, tornadoes, or pleasant, calm sunny days. No one can argue or match his greatness or majesty.

One thing I can do … I can praise God’s holy name and thank him for watching over us and sustaining this great earth.

Have you thanked God lately for food to eat and water to drink? Have you thanked him for the sun shining down and for lakes and rivers that provide your daily requirements to exist on planet earth?

Give thanks with a grateful heart.