Tag Archive for: fall

Persistent Dandelion

One lonely dandelion braves the fall frost. Winter encroaches not far behind, yet a burst of yellow flower and green stem still stands tall. Colored leaves from nearby trees gently fall and nestle near the vibrant, persistent soldier. Most would think it’s time to give in and give up by now. After all, the weather will only turn icier and colder.  

I think of circumstances in a writer’s life — rejections from editors and publishers; worse yet, no response at all. Wouldn’t it be easier just to call it quits? I could tell my family and friends that there must be a mistake … a disconnect and that I’m really not a writer after all. Then maybe the pressure and drive would disappear and I wouldn’t be concerned with more research, edits and critiques from my writers’ group.

But I’m not convinced my drive and passion would evaporate. More than likely, miserableness might set in. Deep down, I know that character, persistence, and integrity come when I march on in spite of circumstances. I must keep putting words down on paper regardless of how I feel at the time or what someone thinks of me.

Emulating that persistent dandelion will lead to published work, smiles from my colleagues and a “well done, good and faithful servant” from the God I write for and about.

So, stand tall and shine bright — others are watching and some even cheer the writer on to a satisfying victory!  Press on toward the goal …

“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”  – Philippians 3:12-14


Jack Frost descends


I discovered Jack Frost on my deck railing this morning…does that mean Jill Snow is lurking around the corner?


Rain-Rain-more Rain & WIND!


I absolutely LOVE the smell of fresh falling rain…even if it is falling horizontally due to a high wind tornado advisory!  Outdoors is not an option…perfect day to be inside and writing.


Fall – 2010 – Lower Michigan

Hardy Dam, near Newago, Michigan


Hig-h Rollaway Park-Newaygo, Michigan

Leaves fall…Pine needles drop…Just like loosing a friend…Summer’s drawing to a close…Winter’s just around the bend!


Fall colors, Pumpkins, Petoskey Stone, Apples and “The Proposal:”



Fall Colors
Fall Colors









Orange, yellow, and reds abound as we toured Leelanau Peninsula in northern Michigan. The weather cooperated part time showering us with intermittent rain and sun. Traverse City is about 130 miles from our Grand Rapids home port, but somehow it took us over 200 miles to arrive in TC. No matter, we were celebrating my birthday “month,” since my birthday actually (how about that Liberty? Nana says that word a lot too!) Occurred October 8.

At one point, we climbed lots of steps to view Lake Michigan between Arcadia and Frankfort nestled in beautiful Sleeping Bear Dunes. The climb and scenic view proved worth the huffing and puffing. Some trees still held fast their green leaves and others had blown away from early snow and fierce winds. In fact, a park ranger noted it had snowed the day we traveled.

Pumpkins popped up their orange and green colors in fields, farm driveways, and roadside vendors (yes, there are green pumpkins).  I believe I found a very sincere pumpkin patch. Apples of every color, make and genre abound. Can’t you just smell the poignant armor of fresh baked apple pie with caramel topping?

We combed the beach at “Christmas Cove” near Leland for a Petoskey stone – and yes, I did find one!!  Can’t wait to see Leland’s new municipal building once it is completed –their docks have been expanded to allow for more boats. The car thermometer registered an icy 32 degrees. At that point, we were glad we didn’t ride the motorcycle like we did last year at this time. Last year, the weather was much more comfortable for bike riding.

Steve, my hubby, wanted desperately to get to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park – and we did, prior to their closing. We ended a perfect day as we watched the final ray’s descent over Lake Michigan and Sleeping Bear Dunes. Only a few brave remaining tourists remained to experience tranquility and serenity at its finest. Gentle breezes ruffled the remaining leaves—it would be a cold, clear night as a single bright star appeared and we bid the dunes goodnight.

Wait? What about “The Proposal?” more to follow in the next post. For now, I can tell you it occurred near the base of the Grand Traverse Lighthouse.




Frost on the pumpkin…and everything else!


We have frost on the pumpkin this morning (just so you know how we Mid-westerners live). Actually, we would have frost on the pumpkin if I’d purchased a pumpkin! That comes later in the month.

The weatherman predicted the frost. Frost was bound to happen eventually. But why so early? I balk at change. I tend to get comfortable with status quo. Summer shorts and tee-shirts have to now give way to long pants, long sleeve shirts, and shoes with closed toes. Yuck!

I’m not ready for winter! I’m not sure I’d ever admit to being ready for the drastic temperature changes. (see photo of thermometer registering 34 degrees this morning!) Whether I’m ready mentally or physically, life goes on. I can choose to be prepared and go with the flow, or I can moan and groan, kicking and screaming (sometimes, I’d rather kick and scream) Regardless, after summer comes fall, then winter and snow.

Seasons change, and so must I. If I place that quote in the spiritual realm, I must ask myself: have I changed? Is my relationship with God any different or better than a month ago, six months, or last year? Last year at this time, I knew of my brain tumor. I didn’t know the outcome of brain surgery, but I knew God—the Great Physician—was in control of the outcome.

This year, I can honestly say my relationship with God is stronger, closer. Through this past year’s pain, change, and learning to trust God and lean on others, I have grown in my faith. Growing pains that wouldn’t have come about in smooth sailing days.

We saw miracles from His hand and blessings galore. I chose not to become bitter, but better. I give God the glory and honor He richly deserves as He remained with me all the way. Family and friends demonstrated their love to me in ways I hadn’t seen before.

So, yes, I am strong, alive and well AND prepared for this next season of my life knowing God has my best interests in mind and He will never leave me nor forsake me.

Go with God,

Teresa Lasher ©2009

Mums the Word!

Mums the Word!

Mums the Word!

Mums the Word and Fall is in the Air!

Am I ready? I certainly am not ready! Do I have a choice? Not really.  Actually (my granddaughter likes to say the word “actually”), I love September and October…the fall leaves appearing from seemingly nowhere.  Plus, October has a hidden benefit:  it’s my birthday month. My birthday is on the 8th of October, so I extend it out just as long as I possibly can.  That’s why I call October my birthday MONTH!  I extend it out with birthday lunches, dinners, any type of get togethers for an excuse for dessert and a card or gift–works for me!

Remember that old song, “Seasons change and so do I?”  Don’t remember any other words to the song, but those I do. Birthdays, anniversaries, season changes are all good times to evaluate just how far I’ve come since the last one.

Have I met my short-term goals? long-term goals? Am I a kinder or more gentler human being than last year? Have I learned a new skill or noteworthy trait? Do I love my neighbor as myself? Have I given my all in whatever project my hands found to do?  

How do you rate? I come along further in some areas, but have a long ways to go in other areas.