All other ground is sinking sand


All other ground is sinking sand

I needed time away from time clocks and scheduling. Next week would be happily filled with a long distance trip to Minnesota from Michigan. My husband and I were eager to see our two grandchildren and to help our son and family move to another town in Minnesota. But today I needed to come to this oasis to escape chaos and cares of everyday life. Water and the sound of water calm my mind and soul. So I drove to the Lake Michigan shoreline to walk the beach. Just the sound of water exudes peacefulness and a sense of security. In this quiet place, it seems so natural and easy to worship my Creator and spend time in thankfulness and prayer.

A light breeze stirs in the air and plays with my hair. Sea gulls chatter and dive in the waves. A distant mourning dove sings his song of lament. Waves gently lap over countless grains of sand. As I walk along the cool water’s edge and the sand oozes between my toes, an old hymn plays out in my mind:

On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.

The water ripples evenly, consistently. You are in the breeze as if to say, “Hello, I am still here—remember me?” Ah, yes, how can I forget You? You have been here for me through trials and blessings. You were near then; you are near now. Waiting for me to communicate with you, pray, mediate, memorize scripture, talk of you, and write of you.

I must tell others of your Divine Mercy, Everlasting Love, and Forgiveness. You are truly Christ, the Solid Rock on which I must stand. All other ground is truly sinking sand.

3 replies
  1. Vicki
    Vicki says:

    Teresa, Great article and great toes. No place better to feel God’ presence then being at the lakeshore. Have a good time with the kids and grandkids even if it is helping them move. You will be missed here. Vicki


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