All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand
I needed time away from time clocks and scheduling. Next week would be happily filled with a long distance trip to Minnesota from Michigan. My husband and I were eager to see our two grandchildren and to help our son and family move to another town in Minnesota. But today I needed to come to this oasis to escape chaos and cares of everyday life. Water and the sound of water calm my mind and soul. So I drove to the Lake Michigan shoreline to walk the beach. Just the sound of water exudes peacefulness and a sense of security. In this quiet place, it seems so natural and easy to worship my Creator and spend time in thankfulness and prayer.
A light breeze stirs in the air and plays with my hair. Sea gulls chatter and dive in the waves. A distant mourning dove sings his song of lament. Waves gently lap over countless grains of sand. As I walk along the cool water’s edge and the sand oozes between my toes, an old hymn plays out in my mind:
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.
The water ripples evenly, consistently. You are in the breeze as if to say, “Hello, I am still here—remember me?” Ah, yes, how can I forget You? You have been here for me through trials and blessings. You were near then; you are near now. Waiting for me to communicate with you, pray, mediate, memorize scripture, talk of you, and write of you.
I must tell others of your Divine Mercy, Everlasting Love, and Forgiveness. You are truly Christ, the Solid Rock on which I must stand. All other ground is truly sinking sand.
Teresa, Great article and great toes. No place better to feel God’ presence then being at the lakeshore. Have a good time with the kids and grandkids even if it is helping them move. You will be missed here. Vicki
Hi Vicki,
My…you are quick to reply! Glad you liked the article & the toes! Thankful to be able to share part of the day and time w/you! love, t.
Ugh, I liked! So clear and positively.