Call to Me

A dear Bible study leader and friend (Helen S.) calls Jeremiah 33:3 her “911” verse. In troubled times, she relies on this verse to reach out to God. In reaching out by calling His name, she also receives comfort and relief from fear.

Fayette State Park, Upper Pennisula Michigan

Fayette State Park, Upper Pennisula Michigan

I like the concept too. This is a never-ending promise with no expiration date. One that’s good to remember in times of turmoil or distress. Not only does God promise to answer me, but I’ll receive a bonus: information leading to great and unsearchable things I don’t even know. How cool is that?

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”—Jeremiah 33:3.

But I must take that first step of faith acknowledging the need for help. I cannot function alone and hang on to a prideful attitude. My heart must be open to the leading of a wise, Heavenly Father. To think that the God of the entire universe desires my fellowship—well, my finite mind can’t capture this fully. I don’t need to. I only need to trust and believe it is so.

  • Is there an area of your life you haven’t called out to God about?
  • Maybe there’s a piece you’re clinging to thinking you can handle all by yourself … do you think it’s time to let it go and let God take control?

Dear God, I’m weary of trying to manage my life and my loved one’s lives too. The job is exhausting and usually doesn’t work out when I try to take control. I give You back this day, my tired body, and flighty mind. Take control of me. I relinquish the reins and ask that You be in charge. I’m excited to see what amazing results You’ll accomplish through me. Thank you. Amen.

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