“Solitude” – Vacation Time



Dusk falls ‘till no more light from which to read. Time for shut eye—the wind and sun from the day’s passage allows sleep to come oh so easily.


Anchored in Pentwater Lake alongside the quaint village of Pentwater. American flag on our stern rail flaps in a stiff southern breeze while our sailboat spins and swerves on anchor line. The anchor line squeals as brisk wind tugs tightly. Around and around we go. First one direction; then another.


No alarms or sounds of others stirring. Save a dog’s bark on distant shore. An occasional early morning fisherman seeks the “Big One” as they motor past. My head still hugs my warm pillow. Eyes shut tight. Rising is more difficult when I’m rocked within my quilt cocoon, warm, dry and safe. Even when sunlight peeps through our hatch overhead and through the companionway, I turn over and pretend it’s still nighttime. Just a few more minutes of sleep, and then I’ll rise and shine.


I relish this vacation time of no worries or appointments to keep—no place we have to be or tasks we have to do! Isn’t that what a real vacation looks like?

4 replies
  1. Vicki
    Vicki says:

    I just made a post but think it went to your post before this one but can’t find it. Anyway I have a feeling the picture looks more peaceful then what it really was considering the wind and rain of today. Tomorrow is to be better. Enjoy the rest of the trip.

    • teresaklasher
      teresaklasher says:

      Hi Vicki,

      Yes, Today we had a quite a surfing ride adventure coming from Pentwater to Ludington (where we are right now). The wind & waves were fierce. I suspect we’ll still be here tomorrow. Tonight will be the first night docking–the others we anchored. It was time to get our water tank filled. having a good time, love, teresa

  2. Vicki
    Vicki says:

    Just saw your note. I’m guessing Henry & Mary are stayed put also. Tomorrow doesn’t sound great but enjoy anyway. Vicki

    • teresaklasher
      teresaklasher says:

      Hi Vicki, Bob and Angie,

      correct, Henry and Mary stayed put in Frankfort and us in Ludington for a 2nd night. The wind is still howling out there as I type this. Hopefully, the lake will be calmed down and we can head north further–maybe Manistee. We haven’t met up w/Henry and Mary yet. Our moves are scheduled such that we just miss. I talked to Mary on the phone and she said they were having fun too. Praying for no more thunderstorms (complete w/lightning and thunder) tonight or anytime real soon. We were thankful to be tied up to a dock last evening and this morning. love, t and s


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