Tag Archive for: Christmas

My Busy, but Blessed Day

While enduring physical therapy, I began feeling sorry for myself. My headaches persisted, leg ached, and my neck and shoulders complained often.

“Should I keep coming if I’m not sure this is doing any good? You’re adding another exercise?!” Yes, you’d probably say I was grumbling.

My therapist paused, then replied, “Consider the man in here earlier. He had only one leg, and wonders if he’ll ever return to work, or earn enough money to pay the bills for the family.”

Oh. I guess I have nothing to complain about, do I? A good reminder to be thankful for what I can do and what I do have.

We did some deep breathing and slowly releasing my breath. He continually reminds me to relax and loosen my shoulders. Relax? Are you kidding? This is December! Who relaxes in December?

“You’d better or you’re gonna wind up feeling even worse. Be positive. You’ll never mend until you allow your body time to re-generate and mend.”

Next on my agenda: Fresh Thyme to capture gluten-free onion rings for a holiday green bean casserole. This stop helped me temporarily forget my next appointment. These are tough to find, but I was grateful that a kind sales clerk led me to the shelf where there was a supply of them. This store is a specialty shop and I love to wander. Near the deli a young Dad was scooping up chicken noodle soup. His son was pushing a mini cart full to the brim with items.

“Looks like you’re a great helper,” I commented.

Dad smiled, patted his son on the back and said, “He’s a great helper!”

“Good for you. Merry Christmas you two.” I said with a smile as I walked away.

I couldn’t stall any longer so I took off for a dreaded dentist appointment. I’ve spent too much time in a dentist chair ever since my automobile accident just five months after I got married. Upside: felt good to have fresh, clean teeth. Downside: they discovered a fracture in a molar which requires a crown. In the waiting room, I noticed a Christmas tree adorned with ornaments for sale. Proceeds would go to help Women at Risk—a most worthy cause. I chose several for my Christmas list. 😊 Score!

Drove home after my dentist appointment, connected with my husband where he reminded me of his Christmas concert at an assisted living facility. I could sit with the groupies or band-aids—spouses whose husbands play in the Celebration Brass band. I was tired and came up with excuses, but in the end I did go and am glad I did.

Soaking in the joyous, meaningful Christmas melodies helped me unwind; relax just like my PT advised me earlier in the day. I started the evening tired and defeated. When I left the concert, I felt refreshed and renewed. The music reminded me of a baby boy born in less than ideal circumstances, raised and walked this earth healing, sacrificing. Christ gave His own life for mine so we might be free and whole enjoying heaven after this body gives out. His birth night was a Holy night—the most special Christmas gift of all.

Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King;
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!”
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
With th’angelic host proclaim,
“Christ is born in Bethlehem!”

post by Teresa K. Lasher, author of:

The Child becomes The Parent: Coping with Grief” and

Life is: Good, Fragile, and Precious–Loving yourself so you can love others

Dad’s Presence – the Best Present

I see my breath in the brisk air. Frost covers the green grass where light snow once rested. Large ornaments hang from our 40-foot evergreen tree sheltering a life-size nativity scene. Faithful Joseph and Mother Mary hover close and guard precious baby Jesus—the baby who will be crowned King. Mary and Joseph know of expectations not working out as originally planned. Yet, their story unfolds exactly the way it was meant to.

Reminds me of our family story. We thought Dad and Mom would age together holding hands and watch our children and grandchildren grow. Instead we lived out a completely different story where Mom passed just short of their 40th wedding anniversary. Dad wandered from us like a lost puppy dog. I wish I could erase the years missed after he remarried and moved 900 miles away. We tried our best to connect with him, but his new family thwarted our efforts. After his wife’s passing, we became aware of the neglect he’d endured and extent of his dementia. Armed with prayer and support, we rescued Dad and brought him home.

That was then; this is now—Christmas Day. Dad is here with us!

From the closet, I bring down the white tablecloths and napkins: linens passed down from my Mom and her Mom. Running my hands over the fabric creases, I imagine those who’d broken bread together over these cloths. I set the table with our light blue china plates edged with petite white flowers—gifts from our wedding day 45 years ago. The night before an event, Mom and Dad brought out the special occasion best, set the table, and ponder where each person should sit.

I lift my husband’s Grandmothers’ orange and blue flowered serving bowls and gravy boat from the shelf. A few age stress marks give the pieces character. Just like us. Together, our family weathered sickness, death, re-marriage, and estrangement. We persevered.

Showering Dad with hugs, we talk of his old farm days, the appreciated tips he received for bussing tables as a teenager, and vintage cars.

Dad’s favorite foods adorn the Christmas table: ham, turkey and stuffing, and all the rest. Like old times, Dad and my brother-in-law fight for who gets the coveted turkey neck. Dad and my hubby’s Mom talk in their own little world. I smile as they share their aches, pains, and memories.

After dinner, we clear the table and prepare for the reading of Jesus’ birth.

For unto us a child is born … and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6

Dad settles into a  recliner and nods off. I hope he dreams good dreams. He might not remember our names or recognize us, but he still tells goofy jokes with joy in his eyes. Knowing he’s safe and having him here with us is my favorite Christmas present.


Special Traditions


What’s it like during the Holidays without our special people around? On one hand, I try to be excited about the holiday season outwardly, but inwardly I’m still remorseful and dejected thinking about empty places at our table.    It’s tough not to recall shared family times, the excitement, traditional family holiday foods and presents. And I shouldn’t have to forget. But sometimes it’s easier to repress and not have to deal with the pain and sorrow associated with the past joyous times never to be regained.

Both my Mom and Steve’s Dad thrived on people gatherings and holidays.  Mom made sure the tree was up, decorated and adorned with ALL the ornaments given by children and grandchildren. She and Dad would rise in the wee hours of the morning stuffing a gigantic turkey. There’d be a variety of pies baked and numerous side dishes. I can still picture her expanding the dining room table and setting it with her best china, glassware and cloth napkins the night before the event. Nothing was too good or fragile for her loved ones. When each of us stepped beyond the front door, we took center stage in her world and nothing else mattered.  I miss not seeing the faces of those loved ones taken by death.

What special traditions do you remember from the past?


quote from granddaughter

Elijah and Liberty

Quote from our granddaughter, Liberty,

“Nana, I’m really not in the mood for a nap, but I’m really into opening presents and stockings!”


Christmas joys


Watching Toy Story, eating popcorn and cookies, snuggling together in the chair…that’s what grandparenting is all about!


Chutes and Ladders!

Blessings to the anonymous donor of a ‘Chutes & Ladder’ game! Christmas morning, our family discovered a wrapped gift placed on our doorstep. The note attached to the gift read:

            “To the Lasher grandchildren from Santa!”

Blessings to the anonymous donor of a fun ‘Chutes & Ladders’ game! Since the donor wishes to remain a mystery, the Lashers just wanted to thank them—what a wonderful surprise! It does my heart good to know that the spirit of Christmas resides!

FYI: I just played a game of ‘Chutes & Ladders with my 4-year old granddaughter, Liberty, and she beat me! Guess Nana needs more practice.


Glory to God in the Highest

Nothing quite equals the magical awakening of Christmas through a child’s eyes!

All is new; all is good; all is alive, and all is well!

Oh that we as adults could capture and model this innocent character. The world and our corner of the world would appear much brighter!

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:13–14).  


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Long down coat–check; 2 layers under that–check; tall warm boots–check; scarf–check; Hood–check; Large goggle-like glasses–check (not for sun, but to reduce wind chill on face); Deer skin mittens–check.  Yup, guess I’m now ready to walk outdoors to clear my head and then be ready to write again!
I’ve experienced my fresh-air fix for the day…my doc would be SO PROUD! As I glance at my reflection in the mirror, I imagine I’m a movie star hoping to avoid all media contacts.


“Hold on!”


First thing this morning, I hear the words to Hold On, by Toby Mac. Listen to the meaning behind the words:

“Wake up to the morning light – wipe away the lonely night – let a brand new day wash over you…

So, baby, hold on – just another day or two – I can see the clouds are moving faster now – and the sun is breaking through

If you can hold on to the one that’s holding you – there is nothing that can stop this crazy love from breaking through…

And the stars are up, they’re shining for you – oh, how the Father does adore you – His love will never change

And you and I, we were born to follow the hope that will lead us to tomorrow and no one can take it away.”

Those words of comfort are just what I need today. How about you? I’m stressing out over silly things like grocery shopping, preparation of food, Christmas gift shopping. Then, when I get the gifts home, I need to organize and wrap them all! I just told a friend that I need at least two assistants to get me through these days. But do I? Maybe, I need to rely on the God who knows all. He knows the pinch I’m in and knows how I tend to over-plan and over-stress.

God, you know my tendencies to over-book, try and please everyone, and generally make my family miserable with my demeanor. This isn’t what the season is about…dash here and there, quick prepare this and plan for that, dwell on who isn’t coming to a certain gathering, and who isn’t doing/saying what I feel he/she should be doing/saying. That’s just crazy!

Help me to calm down and allow Your peace to permeate my entire being so I can focus on the true meaning of Christmas:  Your Son’s holy birth.

Ask:  Is there something I can put aside and not do today? Is there something on my list that is really not that important and I can eliminate altogether? What can I do today to focus my mind and heart on what God desires for me?


Oh Holy Night!


I heard “Oh Holy Night” on the radio on the way to church this morning. I thought to myself how cool that would be to have that song sung at my funeral or “home to glory” service. Not a song you would normally think to weave into a eulogy, but I like it anyway. Home for Christmas—now wouldn’t this be a glorious time of year celebration? What better place to be in December— the month we celebrate Jesus’ birth? I can think of no finer place…home with those loved ones who’ve gone before me…my own dear Mother, Steve’s Dad, Grandfather Guy and Grandmother Ethel…just to name a few.

“The stars are brightly shining…,” the star marked and guided curious shepherds that Holy Night ‘till they arrived at their appointed destination. Today, we have God’s words in the Bible as we read about Jesus’ birth in a humble Bethlehem stable. 

In the meantime, my mission is to proclaim that birth until God’s second coming to earth. Philippians 2 reminds us, “that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe, as you hold out the word of life.”

“This is the night of our dear Saviors’ birth…” Yes, this is the day—what a day of rejoicing! I, too, can sing with the angels, “Oh Holy Night.!”

Prayer:  Oh, God, even though I wasn’t personally there the night the angels sang glorifying your Son’s holy birth, I can read about this miracle and gain godly wisdom within the pages of my Bible. Thank you for sharing your Son and giving us the precious gift of life eternally with you.

Ask:  Is there someone in your life who needs to know about Jesus’ birth over 2,000 years ago? How can you “shine like stars in the universe” in your corner of the world?

“Fall on your knees – Oh hear the angel voices – Oh night divine – Oh night when Christ was born – Oh night divine!” 
